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[Hong Kong] HosannaWindLimited (Corporation)

Founded in 2017, it hopes to share the rich gifts from nature with the public and provide natural solutions to the immediate health problems faced by busy urban residents. The first batch of Huoxuan products is extracted from the natural super plant Moringa. By cooperating with business partners, we will support people in need, especially orphans, widows, and victims of human trafficking through part of the proceeds and product sales. We look forward to creating employment opportunities for countless women and igniting mission lives in them. We welcome people from all walks of life to join in joint cooperation, innovation, and develop more product categories through love, joy and creativity, and work with us to make more far-reaching contributions to society. As a distribution company, we focus on sales of healthcare products (health food, cosmetics, household goods, etc.), super food (Moringa) extract.

T. +852-6623-6632
P. 852-6623-6632
E. sarah@hosannawind.com
A. Hosanna Wind Limited, Unit D, 15/F, 1503 Hang Cheong Factory Building, 1 Wing Ming Street, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Product categories and items

Honey extraction
Health Food

Special Exhibition

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